Bartholin gland cysts can generally disappear by themselves. The size is small and painless. However, sometimes this disorder can cause more severe conditions, i.e. if Bartholin's cyst is infected and causes pain, so that sufferers have difficulty walking. The Bartholin gland is a pair of small organs under the folds of the vaginal lips, called the labia, in the female genital area. These glands play a role in releasing fluid to moisturize and lubricate the outside of the vagina. This fluid comes out of the Bartholin duct which is in the vaginal mouth. Beware of Causes of Bartholin Gland Disorders There are times when the Bartholin duct is blocked so that there is a buildup of fluid in the gland. This condition is called a Bartholin gland cyst. Meanwhile, Bartholin's gland abscess occurs when the gland or channel is infected. Bartholin's gland abscesses are generally caused by bacterial infections, swelling, the presence of thick mucus, or complications from sexually...