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Bartholin Gland Disorders Cause Sexually Related Pain

Bartholin gland cysts can generally disappear by themselves. The size is small and painless. However, sometimes this disorder can cause more severe conditions, i.e. if Bartholin's cyst is infected and causes pain, so that sufferers have difficulty walking. The Bartholin gland is a pair of small organs under the folds of the vaginal lips, called the labia, in the female genital area. These glands play a role in releasing fluid to moisturize and lubricate the outside of the vagina. This fluid comes out of the Bartholin duct which is in the vaginal mouth.

Beware of Causes of Bartholin Gland Disorders

There are times when the Bartholin duct is blocked so that there is a buildup of fluid in the gland. This condition is called a Bartholin gland cyst. Meanwhile, Bartholin's gland abscess occurs when the gland or channel is infected. Bartholin's gland abscesses are generally caused by bacterial infections, swelling, the presence of thick mucus, or complications from sexually transmitted diseases. Bacterial infections can be caused by E. coli bacteria or bacteria that cause sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. After sexual intercourse, Bartholin's cyst size can be enlarged because the glands produce more fluid during the process of intercourse.

Symptoms of a Bartholin Gland Cyst

Uninfected Bartholin's cysts can form lumps that are not painful, but will cause the female area to appear swollen or reddish in color, and cause discomfort during intercourse, sitting, or walking. Infected Bartholin gland cysts have the following symptoms:
  • Pain that is increasingly felt while undergoing routine activities.
  • Liquid discharge from the lump.
  • Body fever or chills.
  • Swelling of the vulva area.
In general, these cysts or abscesses only occur on one side of the vaginal mouth. If not treated immediately, the infection can spread to other parts of the body, such as blood vessels and cause septicemia. Therefore, consult a doctor immediately, if:
  • There is a lump that feels pain in the mouth of the vagina, especially if it does not go away within 2-3 days even though it has been treated.
  • Lumps appear in the vagina, and you are over 40 years old. Although it is rare, a lump in the vagina at this age can be a symptom of cancer. In this case, the doctor will do a biopsy to determine whether the lump is malignant or not.
  • Unbearable pain arises.

Management of Bartholin Gland Disorders

The following treatment steps can be recommended to patients who have problems with the Bartholin Gland:
  • Soaking the vagina until the pelvis and buttocks in warm water, several times a day for 3-4 days, to help shed infected cysts.
  • Take antibiotics from doctors, to treat bacterial cysts that are infected or to treat sexually transmitted infections.
  • Marsupalization, which is a procedure where the doctor cuts a Bartholin gland cyst and then stitches each side of the cyst incision in the surrounding area to remove the blocked fluid. After the fluid and blood come out, the doctor will give a special base and catheter to prevent the recurrence of Bartholin gland cysts.
  • An operation to drain fluid from very large or infected cysts.
In some very rare cases, the doctor may need to remove the Bartholin gland by surgery. Usually this procedure is done if other treatments are not successful. Although Bartholin gland disorders can not always be prevented, but the risk of these disorders can be reduced by maintaining the cleanliness of the female organs, using condoms during sexual intercourse, and having safe sexual relations. In addition, try to consume enough fluids and avoid holding urine for too long.


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